
Dr Rick Sherrod (1950-2018)

Various Information and history

Book or Information


Israel in Prophecy: Where are the Lost Ten Tribes? Research which later became the basis for a booklet on the tribes of Israel by the UCG. Information here on the booklet
Israel in Prophecy: Where are the Lost Ten Tribes? As above. This version contains numbering for each paragraph
Annotated Bibliography on Anglo-Israelism Plain PDF version (7MB) by John Halford & Rick Sherrod with assistance from John Miller (158 pages)
Annotated Bibliography on Anglo-Israelism OCR version (91MB) (158 pages)
The Abrahamic Covenant and Israel in Prophecy Joint paper with John Halford, June 1991 (29 pages)
Those 40 Pivotal Years Paper written in 1997
Review of US & Britain in Prophecy (Pt1) Dec 1996 (51 pages)
Review of US & Britain in Prophecy (Pt2) Dec 1996 (76 pages)
The Abrahamic Promises Presentation outline
Radio Interview Radio interview on 2GB, Sydney with Dr Gordon Moyes, 14 June 1998 (during his lecture tour or Australia on the tribes of Israel)
Videos and audios of his presentations 1. The Promises to Abraham (video)
2. Pt 1: The Fruitful Bough (The Critical 40 Years (1775-1815) of American, British and French history). Pt 2: The British Empire (video)
3. Theology of the Abrahamic Promises (audio)
Israel in Prophecy – Part I lecture series (videos) We are seeking the handouts associated with these lectures - if you know where to find them, please let me know. You can also download the videos from here
Israel in Prophecy – Part II lecture series We are seeking the 20 VHS tapes of this lecture series. If you know where to find them, please let me know
Information on his 1998 Australian lecture series  
Articles in The Journal Concerning his lecture tour to Australia
Solomon's Splendor. A Type of God's Kingdom Published in the Good News, Sept 1984, pages 25-27
Archaeology and the City of David Word version here
Other miscellaneous information Memos, CV etc
Sherrod's grave details at Find a Grave site www.findagrave.com/memorial/22503255


Doctor of Philosophy, (3.98 GPA), December 1980, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Dissertation: "Images and Reflections: The Response of the British Press to the Dreyfus Affaire"

Major: Modern British History

Minors: Modern Western European History Modern Diplomatic History

Master of Arts, (3.87 GPA), December 1976, University of Texas, Arlington, Texas. Thesis: "Century of the Assassin: A Prosopographical Study of European Assassins 18 June 1815 to 11 November 1918"

Major: European History Minor: Political Science

Bachelor of Arts, (3.22 GPA), May 1974, Ambassador University, Pasadena, California. Major: Theology Bachelor of Arts, May 1972, University of Texas, Arlington, Texas.

Major: History Minor: English